
Data 科学 Student Explores ChatGPT’s Impact on 学者

Story #1 Michelle Eggink & 故事#2聊天

April 24, 2023 - Editor’s Note: T在这里 are two versions of this story. The first was written by an Inside Marist staff writer; the second was written by ChatGPT as an experiment to compare AI-generated content to human-generated content. 


25岁的数据科学与分析学生克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托与 Dr. 阿曼达·达,民政事务总署署长 Center for Social Media and Assistant Professor of Communication, 探索火星社区对ChatGPT的看法及其在课堂上可能产生的影响.

由Open AI开发的人工智能聊天机器人自推出以来一直引领着新闻平台的对话. In response to the growing ChatGPT buzz, Sarmiento surveyed Marist students, 教师, 并让员工更多地了解人们对其对学术界的影响的看法. 

The survey revealed mixed feelings about ChatGPT. 虽然许多受访者表示他们对ChatGPT的使用和输出感到担忧, 当人工智能生成的内容呈现给他们时,最信任或不质疑ChatGPT的响应输出, even when some of ChatGPT’s responses were incorrect. 

该调查还注意到一些bet亚洲365欢迎投注ChatGPT在学术界使用的假设和未知含义的有趣发现. 例如, when respondents were asked if students would use ChatGPT to plagiarize, 大多数人都说是的. 但当被问及“你个人是否会使用ChatGPT进行剽窃”时,大多数人都说不会. 研究人员推测,这种脱节可能是由于社会可取性偏见, 也就是当人们以一种他们认为会被别人看好的方式回答调查时. 

整体, 该研究指出,学校需要解决更广泛的人工智能对齐和道德问题,并考虑在课程背景下制定ChatGPT的制度指导方针.

“学校应该评估他们的目标,这样他们就可以概述他们希望在哪里以及如何实施这些类型的技术,萨米恩托说. “In addition to creating some sort of regulation and awareness plan, 学校应该鼓励批判性思维,以及如何道德和有效地使用像ChatGPT这样的软件作为工具, not a replacement for work or original thought.” 

萨米恩托从小就对计算机的能力很感兴趣, building his own computer when he was in the 7th grade. An aspiring data scientist and machine learning engineer, 他一直在努力在本科期间获得尽可能多的研究经验, tackling big topics like ChatGPT.

“It’s pretty exciting to look at ChatGPT and w在这里 it’s going,萨米恩托说,“ChatGPT是一项进步的技术,它可以提供令人难以置信的帮助。, but in terms of implications, t在这里’s a lot of unknown. ChatGPT isn’t going away anytime soon, 因此,通过提高对它的认识和提高数据素养来做好准备是很好的,这样我们就可以有效地利用和解释它.”

Christian Sarmiento and Dr. 达 in front of ChatGPT research findings.
Christian Sarmiento and Dr. 达 in front of ChatGPT research findings. Photo by Alexandra Rossi '24.

Sarmiento worked alongside Dr. 达米亚诺对相关研究进行了分析,对两所大学的教员进行了采访 School of Computer 科学 & 数学School of Communication 和 Arts, and survey the Marist community across all schools and age ranges. 这项调查的重点是探索像ChatGPT这样的大语言软件的可访问性如何影响学生和教育工作者的学习,以及社区对该技术可供公众使用的感受.

“与克里斯蒂安一起工作是一种极大的快乐,他孜孜不倦的精力, 热情, and interest in undergraduate research,”医生说。. 达. “While Christian is new to Marist, he hit the ground running, 通过这个项目建立了很多联系,并帮助建立了传播与艺术学院和计算机科学与数学学院之间的持续合作.” 

As the current President of the Marist Analytics Community, Sarmiento also recently organized an on-campus AI & Language Models panel of educators and field specialists. The event was moderated by Eitel Lauria, Professor of Data 科学 & 信息rmation Systems and Director of Graduate Programs, and took on topics like AI alignment, AI伦理, 以及随着这些模型的发展而来的更大的影响.

Marist Analytics Community’s AI and Language Models Panel.
Marist Analytics Community’s AI and Language Models Panel. Photo by Michelle Eggink.

“像GPT-4这样的基础模型和ChatGPT这样的应用程序是一项了不起的科学壮举, technology and engineering that do not cease to amaze,Lauría说. “虽然它们带来了前所未有的进步,并彻底改变了无数领域——在这方面,萨米恩托和达米亚诺的研究工作非常相关——但我们不能忽视它们的阴暗面。, 从偏见和虚假信息到对人类创造力的潜在扼杀. As humanity inches up toward Artificial General Intelligence, 我们必须努力应对创造超级智能系统所带来的生存风险和伦理复杂性.”

Lauría worked with Sarmiento and 达 during their research, 帮助他们选择用于情感分析的软件,并思考如何使用ChatGPT与特定用户的个人目标(直接一致)以及更广泛的社会目标(社会一致)保持一致。.

萨米恩托在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的年度本科生研究庆典上展示了他的发现, 奖学金, 和创造性活动 (CURSCA)(四月十九日).

Sarmiento presenting his research at CURSCA

 Sarmiento presenting his research at CURSCA. Photo by Zoe Fernandes '25.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注民意研究所也对美国人对ChatGPT的看法进行了全国性的调查. You can read the survey results 在这里.

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ChatGPT has a broad range of capabilities. We asked it to write a news story using just this prompt: “给我写一篇bet亚洲365欢迎投注圣母学院一位名叫克里斯蒂安·萨米恩托的学生在做一项bet亚洲365欢迎投注ChatGPT的研究的故事.”

Christian Sarmiento was a curious and dedicated student at bet亚洲365欢迎投注, 对探索人工智能的最新进展充满热情. He had heard about ChatGPT, a powerful language model created by OpenAI, and was eager to learn more about its capabilities and potential.

With the support of his professors and fellow students, Christian embarked on a comprehensive study of ChatGPT, analyzing its algorithms, 数据输入, 输出模式. 他花了数不清的时间研读技术论文和进行实验, trying to understand how the system worked and how it could be improved.

As he delved deeper into the world of ChatGPT, Christian began to realize just how powerful this technology could be. He saw the potential for ChatGPT to transform countless industries, from healthcare and finance to education and entertainment. And he knew that he wanted to be a part of this revolution.

With his research complete, 克里斯蒂安向一群行业专家和玛丽斯特学院的同学展示了他的发现. 他演示了如何使用ChatGPT对各种各样的问题和提示生成自然语言响应, and showcased the system's ability to adapt to new data and contexts.

His presentation was met with enthusiastic applause and praise. 他知道自己对人工智能领域做出了重要贡献, and that his work would have a lasting impact on the world.

当他收拾好笔记离开会议室时,克里斯蒂安忍不住对自己微笑. He knew that his journey with ChatGPT was far from over, 在未来的岁月里,有无数的新发现和挑战在等着他. 但是现在, he was content to bask in the glow of a job well done, and to revel in the limitless potential of this remarkable technology.
