

Michelle Eggink '18和Zoe Fernandes '24,照片由Nelson Echeverria或由学生提供

这期杂志庆祝的是2024届毕业生,他们的成就体现了我们学校的使命. These students have demonstrated remarkable resilience and dedication as scholars, 领导人, 以及全球公民. 下面是他们的一些故事.





泰勒毕业时主修工商管理,主修金融,辅修会计. As President of the Class of 2024 and President of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Tyler has done his fair share of leading and collaborating with his peers. 他曾在伦敦留学, mentored other students in the Beta Alpha Psi Fraternity Beta Buddy program, 与商业和投资俱乐部合作, and enjoyed playing football and basketball intramurals. 在他大学期间, Tyler also worked as a polling interviewer for the whatever, 亚马逊的运营区域经理实习生, and a credit risk analyst for London Mutual Credit Union. 他一直从学长和校友那里寻求灵感,毕业后将在高盛(Goldman Sachs)的Ayco财富管理部门担任分析师.


“Marist Red Out游戏.”

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Sasha van der Merwe -专业:会计

Sasha is graduating with a major in accounting and a minor in French & 非洲研究. 排球队的优秀学生运动员, 萨沙回忆说,由于所有学生和社区的支持,她的高中主场揭幕战是她最重要的经历之一. 她从之前成功的女运动员身上找到了灵感,并努力延续她们在场上和场下的卓越遗产. She has been active in attending a variety of cultural events on campus like Mon Afrique, 国际法语国家日, and guest speaker lectures addressing different historical and diasporic journeys. 毕业后, 萨莎将进入佛罗里达海湾海岸大学攻读税务和会计专业的工商管理硕士学位,并打排球.



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Jacqliene Mangini -主要: 工商管理

杰奎琳·曼吉尼(jacquliene Mangini)提前一年毕业,主修工商管理,主修市场营销,辅修全球研究. She has achieved Dean’s List every semester and holds the Presidential Scholarship, Debra, Sue, Levantrosser,圣母女奖学金, 并将收到帕梅拉·J. Harper Most Outstanding Student Award at graduation. She is also a member of the marketing honor society, Alpha Mu Alpha. She has been the President of the Italian American Society, Public Relations and Sponsorship Director for The Hudson Rally for St. 裘德, MCTV的新闻主播兼作家, and a leading actress in Marist Theater mainstage productions. 她也是西格玛西格玛国家姐妹会的成员,并参加了在当地辅助生活设施的校园事工志愿服务, 女性在商业俱乐部, 和舞蹈团. 作为荣誉计划的一员, 她的毕业论文探讨了社交媒体平台和影响者对大学年龄女性自尊的不同影响.

“扮演女主角, 希望, in Urinetown the Musical on Marist’s mainstage alongside the talented cast and crew.”

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约翰·黑格—— 专业:经济学

约翰毕业时主修经济学,辅修环境科学和政治学. 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注, he contributed his time to the Student Activities department, 丰富他的校园经历. 约翰的学术之旅把他带到了阿姆斯特丹,在那里他研究了水管理. 另外, 为了他的终极项目, 他对可持续建筑的经济价值进行了深入的研究. 对约翰来说,一个重要的灵感来源是经济学和环境科学系的教授们. 展望未来, John intends to embark on a gap year following graduation, 在此期间,他计划在从事环境法职业之前探索机会.

“Being able to study by the river and see the sun set or rise over Marist everyday.”

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Mahwish Khan -专业:工商管理

Mahwish是工商管理专业的荣誉学生,主修创业和国际商务. She has cherished her active involvement in Marist's clubs, 尤其是MSA, 对剧中, 亚洲联盟. Being on the board of these clubs gave her a sense of belonging at Marist. Mahwish最大的灵感来自于她建立的友谊和她从教授那里得到的灵感. 毕业后, 她的目标是追求酒店管理的职业生涯,同时培养她对旅行的热情.


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Athen is graduating with a major in political science with a women's, 性别, 以及性研究 minor and a paralegal certificate. 她在美国 whatever的媒体团队 让她与同事建立了牢固的关系,并磨练了她的沟通技能, 社交媒体, 和播客. She treasures her semester spent studying abroad in Florence, 意大利, 她在那里钻研欧盟研究. The Tarver Summer Internship Program also left a lasting impact on Athen, providing invaluable insights into the nonprofit sector. 受到支持她的教授们的启发, 朋友, 、监事, 雅典计划从事法律事业. She intends to begin as a paralegal in Maine, before pursuing law school in New England.



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丽贝卡·D 'Ambrosio, an English major with minors in creative writing and journalism, thrived in various creative pursuits during her time on campus. Her poetry and nonfiction work was published in the 马赛克这是一本由学生创办的文艺杂志. 丽贝卡还帮助策划了2024年超自然研究会议在bet亚洲365欢迎投注在那里她读了一个原创的哥特式短篇小说和共同舞台管理一个原创的学生生产. 作为纽约Custom Studio的实习生, Rebecca served as associate editor for New York by Rail's print magazine. Rebecca's screenplay was selected for Marist's Playwrights Festival, 与学生导演和演员一起展示她在戏剧写作方面的新兴天赋. 丽贝卡将她的成功归功于玛丽斯特大学英语系的大力支持,尤其是玛丽斯特博士. 卡拉·梅西纳和博士. Moira Fitzgibbons, whose guidance and encouragement have shaped her academic journey. 毕业后, she aims to secure a publishing job and pursue a graduate degree.


“Sitting on the campus green with my 朋友 on warm days listening to music, 做的工作, 演奏侃酱.”

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Cassandra Arencibia的照片

卡桑德拉·阿伦西比亚 主修:英语、心理学

Cassandra is graduating with a double major in English and psychology. 她曾担任小说编辑 马赛克, 帮助学生创作艺术和文学作品. Cassandra enjoyed celebrating her and her classmates' work at Fontaine Fest, 英语系的年度活动. 另外, 通过合同和论文获得荣誉,使她能够在支持她的导师的指导下深入研究自己的激情, Dr. Kathleen Weisse和Dr. 李·格雷厄姆. 卡桑德拉在荣誉项目中从同龄人的不同项目中获得了灵感,并对她在项目中的经历感到感激. 毕业后, 卡桑德拉计划休学一年,可能会继续攻读图书馆学的研究生课程.


"The first time I sled down the Green in the middle of the night. It was a reminder that I can always have fun no matter how old or serious I get."

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山崎裕雷电 - 专业:政治学

Raiden graduates with a major in political science and a minor in criminal justice. 雷登很喜欢支持bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学橄榄球队,担任他们的学生经理. 他还积极参与校内体育活动,是校园亚洲联盟俱乐部的积极成员. 雷登努力成为他四个弟弟妹妹的榜样,并且非常感谢玛丽斯特和学校为他创造的机会. 他最大的灵感来自于他所有的朋友,因为他们是如何互相推动,让自己变得更好的. 毕业后, Raiden will attend law school at the University of Hawaii.


"Singing along to Hawaiian Reggae music with my Tri-State Area 朋友."

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Lorah墨菲 - 专业:英语

Lorah is graduating as an English writing major with minors in history and women's, 性别, 以及性研究. 她的前三名修女经历包括参加2023年西格玛头三角洲大会,她的诗集获得了奖项, 上历史课性, 死亡, 和疾病, 并在写作中心担任同伴导师. Her biggest inspiration was her professors, particularly Dr. 尼古拉斯·马歇尔博士. Robyn Rosen, who were extremely supportive and inspired her to pursue a graduate degree. 毕业后, Lorah plans to take a gap year as she searches for the right graduate program, while pursuing her teaching passion as a creative writing tutor.


“展示我的获奖作品 我爱的男人,我更爱的女人 at Marist's 2023 CURSCA showcase; being able to share this work that means so much to me, 也感谢我的许多教授和朋友, especially after having won the Stemmler Dennis LGBT+ Award."

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Gianna尼科西亚 - 主要: 哲学、心理学

吉安娜即将毕业,主修哲学和心理学,辅修认知科学. 她最重要的经历包括在费城的2024年东方心理协会(Eastern Psychological Association)上展示她的研究,以及担任约翰. Andrei Buckareff on his panpsychism project and global conference at Marist. Gianna also enjoyed connecting with the Anderson Center for Autism, where she found her passion for working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Receiving a Baccalaureate Award for Excellence in Philosophy, 吉安娜对圣母大学哲学系和他们为她提供的社区表示感谢. 毕业后, 吉安娜将在威廉帕特森大学开始一个加速护理项目,并希望继续写作和研究认知科学和神经哲学.


“Studying abroad in Florence in the fall of 2023 and meeting my best friend. I also loved being able to model for her junior design collection.”

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