

Michelle Eggink, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & Communications
贾文在银针t台时装秀上展示了他的多才多艺, 照片由丹尼尔·帕克摄影)和打甲级篮球(右), photo courtesy of Marist Athletics).
As of March 4, the Marist men’s basketball team boasts a 16-11 overall record, its highest win total in 16 years. 目前在MAAC排名第四,bet亚洲365欢迎投注还有两场常规赛要打. 红狐队的主场比赛是3月9日星期六下午2点对阵尼亚加拉队.m. 男子和女子队伍将于3月12日至16日在大西洋城的吉姆惠兰木板路大厅举行的会议锦标赛中进行比赛. Purchase tickets in the Marist fan section for the Men's and Women's 2024 Hercules Tires MAAC Basketball Championship.

March 5, 2024 — Who says you have to choose just one passion? Certainly not Javon Cooley '23/'24M, a triple threat on the court, in the classroom, and on the runway.

It’s no secret that Javon has heart. A driven master’s student, a Division I basketball player, and a fashion entrepreneur with his own brand, 贾文证明,当人们追求自己的激情和才能时, a chain reaction of possibilities and success can follow.

Image of Javon in McCann weight room.

Javon in the Marist weight room in McCann. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

他是bet亚洲365欢迎投注强调“和”的独特教育方法的模范学生, not or,这意味着学校鼓励学生探索不同的学术课程组合以及学生体验和活动.

“Javon represents the Marist mission; he’s enlightened, sensitive, and productive,” said Dr. Addrain Conyers她是负责教师发展的助理教务长,也是贾文的导师之一. “He’s also a great designer! I told him when I met him that he could balance basketball, pursue his aspirations to be a fashion designer, AND be an excellent student — and he’s done just that.”

From Student to Entrepreneur


贾文(右下)和朋友们在造型连锁反应服装 MakerLab at Marist Steel Plant. Photo courtesy of Javon Cooley.

A first-generation college student from the Midwest, 他只用了三年就拿到了圣母学院的本科学位, 贾文主修工商管理,主攻市场营销,辅修时装营销. 他现在正在攻读市场营销硕士学位,以帮助发展他的服装品牌Chain Reaction, 这是贾文在2021年在他香槟厅宿舍的电脑上开始的.

贾文说:“连锁反应是拥抱你自己,与世界分享你的天赋。. “我们不需要让自我怀疑或别人的想法阻止我们使用我们的天赋. 我希望连锁反应能够激励其他人打破障碍,在追求自己的激情时感到更加舒适和安全,这样他们就可以创造自己的连锁反应.”

Javon Cooley '23/'24M在麦凯恩穿着他的Chain Reaction运动衫,来自他的Face Your Fears系列.

贾文·库利(Javon Cooley) 23/ 24M穿着他的Chain Reaction运动衫,来自他的Face Your Fears系列. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

His passion to succeed is what stands out the most to Rebecca Brown时尚营销高级专业讲师,贾文的时尚导师.

“Javon is hardworking, curious, so willing to learn, accepts feedback, and has great follow through,” she said. “雅文为自己设定了目标,不实现绝不罢休.”

Growing up on the border of Indiana and Illinois, Javon spent a lot of time in both Hammond, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois playing sports and exploring his love for design, music, and fashion. While he was surrounded by a family of creatives, he often felt different from a lot of his peers, standing out with his style and his relationship with fashion.

“Had I changed, I would have felt out of place,” said Javon. “现在我身边都是思想自由、思想开放的人,感觉被拥抱了."

The meaning behind Chain Reaction’s last collection Face Your Fears is rooted in Javon’s thoughts on taking on challenges.


Cooley on the Court

Image of Javon playing against Siena.

Javon playing against Siena at McCann Arena. Photo courtesy of Marist Athletics.

On the court, Javon, who stands at 6 feet, 5 inches tall, is described by his coaches as a tenacious rebounder, a great teammate, 他还是一名稳定的罚球手,扣篮能力令人印象深刻. 他的三分命中率在大都会大西洋运动联盟(MAAC)中排名第三,并帮助球队在防守端领先. 红狐队在全国大学体育协会(NCAA)的场均得分排名第五. 

“My basketball scholarship changed my life. I’m thankful to Coach (John) Dunne, the coaching staff, 感谢我的团队让我的旅程更轻松,我很感激有机会在一级联赛打篮球,” said the 22-year-old.

"Javon is one of the most mature young men I have ever coached," said Dunne, Head Coach for Men’s Basketball. “从第一天起,他就一直专注于为自己的未来而努力. 他有良好的职业道德和坚韧的精神,这使他能够在球场上保持高水平的表现,同时专注于他的学术和服装系列. I have no doubt that he will be very successful in life."

贾文学生运动员经历的另一个亮点是,去年5月,他和一个团队从bet亚洲365欢迎投注(Marist)前往洛杉矶参加奥运会 Black Student-Athlete Summit. There, 他有机会与来自全国其他大学的现任和前任学生运动员联系,分享经验,相互支持.

“我一直在脚踏实地,因为我知道我要去哪里.” he said.

Walking the Walk

Image of Javon on the SNR runway.

Javon modeling at SNR 37. Photo courtesy of Daniel Parker Photography.

Outside of his already full schedule of classwork, basketball, and building his business, Javon在Marist还从事其他活动,比如在 Silver Needle Runway, Marist’s annual fully student-run fashion show.

“已经两次参加这个节目感觉很棒,我希望今年能再来一次. 上t台之前可能会有点伤脑筋, 这是有趣和有意义的,能够帮助代表学生设计师想要讲述的故事与他们的集合.”

Javon advises, “充分利用在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的每一个机会,不要遗漏任何东西."

Learn More About Chain Reaction
From hats to shorts to a newly released hoodie, Chain Reaction apparel can be found on Javon’s website 或者去MPorium,这是bet亚洲365欢迎投注在钢铁工厂时尚大楼里由学生经营的创业精品店. You can also follow Chain Reaction on Instagram.

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