A man working in front of the computer




本科s in the 管理学院 receive a broad-based liberal arts education with an emphasis on analytical business principles and practices. Classes are small and taught by top-flight faculty, many of whom have worked for the nation’s leading companies.

支持率图表. 93% are satisfied with their academic experience. 94% are satisfied with Marist’s academic services. 95% are satisfied with Marist’s student services. 91% would recommend Marist to a future student.


的 管理学院 educates tomorrow’s 愿景ary  business leaders: people of integrity with the managerial expertise, 愿景, 实用主义 and ethical sensibility to succeed professionally and personally on their own and with others. 的 School prepares leaders to face the challenges of a dynamic and diverse world grounded in our ideals of excellence in education, 社区的重要性, 以及对服务的承诺.


管理学院’s Mission

We develop people of integrity with the managerial expertise, 愿景, 实用主义, and ethical sensibility to succeed professionally and personally on their own and with others. We prepare leaders to face the challenges of a dynamic and diverse world grounded in our ideas of excellence in education, 社区的重要性, 以及对服务的承诺.

  • 卓越教育: We challenge and develop 学生 by creating a nurturing, integrative experiential education within a strong liberal arts tradition.
  • 社区的重要性: We collaborate as a community of faculty, 工作人员, 学生, alumni and other stakeholders to expand and continuously improve knowledge of the practice, 研究, and teaching of management through program innovation, 研究, 以及专业活动.
  • 服务承诺: We use our knowledge and experience with our stakeholders to improve the operation of public and private organizations and the quality of life for individuals and communities in both the region and the world.



的 管理学院 has been awarded accreditation by AACSB国际 - 的 Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business. This prestigious mark of excellence was granted to the School's undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business. Learn more >



尽管他们工作繁忙, 管理学院 学生 have just about every interest you can imagine and are involved in an amazing array of activities. Whether you're interested in entrepreneurship, 华尔街, 经济政策, 人力资源, 或会计, chances are there's an organization or club that provides the perfect opportunity for you to learn more, 分享你的知识, 交朋友, 玩得开心, 并有所作为. 的 School is home to 13 clubs and organizations. Learn more >



第三 商业是全球化的. Learning to interact with people from different cultures is a necessity, and that’s why Marist offers a wide array of 研究-abroad options. 本科s can spend a semester or a full year in one of 30 foreign countries. Students can also take core curriculum classes at the College’s campus in Florence, Italy.

Marist is nationally recognized for extensive short-term and academic year 研究 abroad opportunities. Marist is ranked 3rd in the country for semester abroad programs by the Institute for International Education's “门户开放报告”."  We offer over 70 established 研究 abroad locations, and if you don't see one that interests you, we'll work closely with you to add your ideal 研究 abroad destination to the list. 



实习 are of most importance for 学生 of the 管理学院. 未来的雇主, 硕士学位课程, and doctoral programs place great value on whether 学生 have gained “real world” experience during their undergraduate years, which is why our 管理学院 works tirelessly to pair its 学生 with the internships suited best for their career path.

Graphic of: 实习 at Marist. 83% of 学生 participated in one or more internships while at Marist and many credit them as a primary reason they were hired.



投资中心 is a state-of-the-art on-campus facility includes a fully functioning trading floor with 12 Bloomberg terminals, 股票报价机, 电脑化的新闻推送.



Students actively manage real dollars by investing a portion of the College’s endowment in equity and fixed-income funds.