



Basma Awadallah


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卡特琳娜·斯威特,25岁 想象一下董事会成员卡特琳娜·斯威特

主要: 心理学 
未成年人: 社会学与社会工作

我加入ELP/NSLS的原因: 我加入了NSLS和Marist的ELP, to surround myself with some of the best 领袖s and be able to engage with these individuals. I knew college would stretch my ideas and perspectives, 当NSLS和ELP出现在我面前时, 我知道我需要参与其中. If I truly wanted to grow as a 领袖, I knew I needed this to achieve my life goals. The 新兴领袖计划 is a program that has challenged my thinking and has guided me to be the 领袖 I am today. 

ELP/NSLS如何帮助你: 帮助和非sls have opened the doors to many different opportunities and allowed me to meet many inspiring people! The people I have been able to connect with are people that I look up to, 并且有能力向他们学习! Some of the most genuine people who also just want to become better 领袖s! This program has allowed my mind and ideas to be stretched father than I could have imagined! 我一直想成为一个更好的领导者, and being involved with 帮助和非sls was the first and most important step! I have learned many life lessons that I hold close to my heart! 

ELP/NSLS如何帮助你: 帮助和非sls have opened the doors to many opportunities and allowed me to meet many inspiring people. The people I have been able to connect with are people that I look up to, 并且有能力向他们学习. Some of the most genuine people who also want to become better 领袖s! This program has stretched my mind and ideas further than I could have imagined! 我一直想成为一个更好的领导者, and being involved with 帮助和非sls was the first and most important step! I have learned many life lessons that I hold close to my heart! 

Additional on/off campus 领袖ship and involvement: 在校园, I am involved with Marist Ambassadors and the 属灵生活与服事部 (formerly Campus Ministry), where I am constantly around different ideas and people from various walks of life. I am also a Resident Assistant in Sheahan Hall, working with first-year students! 我来自布鲁克菲尔德, 康涅狄格, where I work at an ice cream shop over the summer and longer breaks. 在过去的夏天,我在博士实习. 罗珊娜在里奇菲尔德, 康涅狄格, focusing on holistic mental health treatments for kids and young adults. 

Why Marist students should get involved with ELP/NSLS: 帮助和非sls, have a special place in my heart; the people I am surrounded by are some of the most supportive and kindhearted individuals. The professors I have been able to be in the presence of and listen to their perspectives on 领袖ship is something I will never forget. I constantly tell prospective students to join NSLS or ELP, if they attend Marist because it is a gift that shouldn't be overlooked, 它为未来打开了许多扇门.

有趣的事实: 我爱咖啡!


Basma Awadallah, 1924年 Photo of Basma Awadallah, 新兴领袖计划 董事会成员

主要: Biomedical 科学s on the Pre-Med Track with a minor in Communications with a concentration in Journalism 

我加入ELP/NSLS的原因: I joined ELP/NSLS to enhance my 领袖ship skills and learn how to lead through a community-based 领袖ship strategy where everyone’s voice is heard, 理解, 考虑到这一点, creating an environment of success and support for everyone involved.

ELP/NSLS是如何帮助你的? ELP/NSLS has helped me connect with like-minded people who value 领袖ship and inclusion. It has given me ways to enhance my skills and add to them helping me become the best version of myself. Skills that I have gained and were enhanced through the program include time management skills, 沟通技巧, 团队合作, 合作能力. This program is also helping me discover new ways to become a community-based 领袖, creating an environment where everyone’s ideas and opinions are heard and reciprocated.

Additional on/off campus 领袖ship and involvement:

In addition to serving as the social media and publicity chair for ELP, I hold the position of secretary within the Marist Muslim Student Association.

校园之外, 我有EMT认证, and I serve as a medical and lab assistant at The Children’s Medical Group of Pediatric Associates Clinic. 此外, I have completed a comprehensive internship that provided me the opportunity to shadow both an orthopedic surgeon and a Gastroenterologist in various clinical settings. 除了我的医学追求, I take on the responsibility of a project coordinator for a prestigious national lighthouse conference, facilitating connections among Muslims across the United States and fostering collaborative charitable initiatives. My commitment extends to volunteering with MHA (Mental-Health America), specifically contributing to their pediatric respite program.

最后, I am very passionate about equity and inclusivity, I believe that the minute we stop fighting for each other is the minute we lose our humanity, which is why I was sponsored by NYU to present in Brooklyn Law School to professors and community members about ways in which professors could become mentors helping build relationships with students while creating a place for celebration and support to student’s diversity.

Why Marist students should get involved with ELP/NSLS: Marist students should get involved in ELP/NSLS to learn new ways to lead others with kindness while also learning how to make a 积极的 impact on others within their sphere of influence. The program helps students gain skills that will help them immensely even after their Marist journey is over. 通过这个项目, one can learn from brilliant 领袖s and Marist professionals as well as their colleagues’ experiences and journeys and add that knowledge to their own. The sooner we can realize the power in ourselves, 我们的旅程, and each other to make the world a better place by one act of kindness at a time, the faster we will transform this world for a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

有趣的事实: I was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt and I moved to USA on my birthday!


桑德拉·马图特,25岁 总理事会成员桑德拉·马图特的图像

主要: 生物学,辅修心理学

我加入ELP/NSLS的原因: I joined the 新兴领袖计划 because I felt that meeting and listening to 领袖s talk about their passions and experiences would allow me to enhance my 沟通技巧, 与更多的人联系, and overall grow on a personal as well as a professional level. Seeking for guidance in this program has helped me develop skills to prepare me for any important role I may take in the future. 

ELP/NSLS是如何帮助你的? 成为ELP的一部分, 我已经了解到, 获得, and applied various skills presented at the workshops to my role as a student, 队友, 领袖, 整体而言. ELP welcomed me into Marist, helping me adapt and grow my previously acquired 领袖ship skills. This program has also become a safe place for me; a place where I am surrounded by students who are ambitious, 有弹性的, 他们团结起来互相支持. I've enhanced my 领袖ship skills in becoming more open minded to different perspectives, 对我周围的人来说是可靠的, spreading positivity through the lessons revealed and learned at workshops, as well as develop connections with those in my community. Because of the motivated students and encouraging staff within this program, I have gotten one step ahead as an individual in visualizing and accomplishing my personal, 还有教育目标. 

Additional on/off campus 领袖ship and involvement: As a freshman at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 living on campus, 我在这两件事上都扮演了重要角色, my community at home and our community at Marist. When I go home on the weekends I participate in events held by my church, Saint Francis of Assisi. I attend youth group meetings and participate in food drives, 捐款, as well as prepare and deliver goods for those in poverty to several locations. Off campus I am also an associate at a retail store where I assist customers in any purchase, 返回, 或者他们可能有的问题. 在校园, I dedicate two hours of every week to help out the community by tutoring children at Warring Elementary School and attend all the 属灵生活与服事部 (formerly Campus Ministry) meetings. 我也是心理学俱乐部的一员, 女性的精神, 人类家园, and a member of Marist's Professional Pre-Health Co-Ed Fraternity, δ. με. 

Why Marist students should get involved with ELP/NSLS: Marist students should get involved with the ELP/ NSLS because through the great scope of workshops and opportunities this program provides for students, we are able to learn about leading others in a kind, 积极的, 而且是有影响力的方式. All students have the potential to be a 积极的 impact to the community which can be achieved through the ELP/NSLS by their guidance in helping us develop better character skills. 此外, by being surrounded with students who have similar goals in taking 领袖ship to help the community, students will build a support system to help one another throughout this journey. 

有趣的事实: 我对健身很有热情!


斯泰西Abbeo, 25岁 总理事会成员斯泰西Abbeo的图像

主要: 有律师助理证书的心理学

我加入ELP/NSLS的原因: I joined ELP because I believed it would develop my 领袖ship skills, 我的领导潜力, and expand my knowledge on what great 领袖ship is. 谢天谢地,我是对的.

Additional on/off campus 领袖ship and involvement: 我只强调两点, I am the treasurer for the African Students' Association of Marist where I manage the club's budget and plan events that support the mission of the club with the help of my fellow board members. I am also the current Distant Student Representative of SGA and I advocate for the needs of all distant students.

Why Marist students should get involved with ELP/NSLS: 根据我的经验, being a member of ELP and the NSLS in my freshman year really equipped me with some strategies and lessons which are necessary to be a good 领袖 and a good 队友. I feel like once resources as such are made available, they are to the benefit of everyone and everyone should be encouraged to join and learn.

有趣的事实: I was born in the US but lived in Ghana till I was eighteen.


凯莉·莱文森,26岁 ELP董事会成员Kailey莱文森图像

主要: Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Music

我加入ELP/NSLS的原因:  I joined the ELP/NSLS in order to strengthen my 领袖ship and interpersonal 沟通技巧 while being surrounded by like-minded students aiming for the similar goals as myself. Successful 领袖ship is an attribute that I sincerely value, 从我记事起就一直很珍惜. 通过工作坊, 网络广播, 和SNTs, 我觉得自己有能力积极地领导别人, 并在我的社区采取行动.

Additional on/off campus 领袖ship and involvement: Some of my additional on campus involvements include North Road Communications, 圣母学院歌手, Enharmonics(无伴奏合唱团), 商界女性, 以及美国市场营销协会. 

Why Marist students should get involved with ELP/NSLS:  Marist students should get involved with the ELP/NSLS not only to be inspired as a 领袖, 而是作为一个人受到激励. Members get to witness outstanding and credible individuals who are selected to present valuable lessons and important topics during workshops and 网络广播. Being involved in such a prestigious program also allows you to build connections with other student 领袖s and provides opportunities to network with faculty and staff.

有趣的事实: I love taking in the views of our beautiful campus!